Engineering and Entitlement
TRE understands the unique nature of each engineering assignment, be it a commercial site development, residential community, or the supporting utility and roadway infrastructure. Our professionals work to maximize the value of each project through the use of innovative solutions to resolve complex design issues in maximizing client benefit potential.
At TRE, our goal is to develop cost-effective, efficient designs and to prevail upon our positive relationships with approving entities to guide projects through a smooth entitlement process. Under the direction of our experienced Licensed Professional Engineers, we isolate strategic project issues throughout the design evolution, taking the necessary considerations to minimize time that could be lost due to entitlement delays. TRE commits the diligent efforts required to achieve the timely completion of the design and granting of the required approvals necessary to facilitate advancing the project to construction.
Engineering and entitlement services provided by the firm include:
- Coordination with State and local permitting authorities
- Platting
- Grading and earthwork analysis
- Site grading and drainage design
- Roadway and drainage infrastructure design
- Drainage master planning and system design
- Storm water quality treatment facility design
- Culvert and bridge drainageway crossing design
- FEMA designation analysis and map amendments (CLOMR/LOMR)
- USACE Jurisdictional determination
- Utility master planning
- Roadway thoroughfare planning
- Traffic impact analysis
- Traffic signal design
- Water Supply Infrastructure design and permitting
- Water Treatment Facility design and permitting
- Wastewater collection infrastructure design and permitting
- Wastewater Treatment Facility design and permitting
- Engineering support for special purpose district creations