El Paso:
Generated on March 28, 2025 @ 10:03:52 AM by Guest on TRE Website
Years: 2009-2012
Client: Horizon Regional Municipal Utility District (HRMUD)
Location: El Paso County, Texas
Contribution: Civil Engineering Design, Permitting and Construction Administration
In serving as District Engineer, the principals of TRE & Associates, LLC were charged with the design of a 3.0 MGD wastewater treatment facility. The plant utilizes the activated sludge process for treatment within the reinforced concrete, concentric circle facility. Disinfection employs both chlorination and ultraviolet treatment. The design considered accommodations for the addition of tertiary treatment units should it become necessary to meet water quality requirements for direct potable reuse.
Permitting through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for this additional capacity required a complex hierarchy designation for treated effluent outfalls. Input from downstream landowners required extended negotiations for designation of a direct discharge outfall option.
Construction mandated that TRE staff coordinate the orderly construction of the 3.0 MGD treatment plant within the site area of the operating treatment facilities in addition to the sequenced activation of the 3.0 MGD plant with the decommissioning of the operating treatment facilities.