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Years: Representation by Principals of TRE since 2003 | TRE Representation since 2012

Client: Paseo del Este MUD's No. 1 through 11

Location: El Paso County, Texas

Contribution: Civil Engineering Design, TCEQ Liaison Permitting, Bond Issue Applications, Board Meeting Representation

TRE & Associates, LLC is the engineering firm of record representing the eleven Paseo del Este Municipal Utility Districts (PDEMUD's) in El Paso County, Texas. The eleven PDEMUD's total 4,300 acres and overlay on the Mission Ridge Master Planned Community. In the organization of the PDEMUD's, PDEMUD No. 1 is the designated Master District. Under this unique arrangement PDEMUD No. 1 is responsible for providing retail water and sewer service to all eleven PDEMUD's. This obligation is supported by the Master District's contract with the El Paso Water Utility Public Service Board for providing water supply and wastewater treatment to support the planned 16,000 connections. Major infrastructure for extending water and wastewater service to each of the PDEMUD's is the responsibility of the Master District.

TRE provides the engineering oversight in support of the obligations of each of the PDEMUD's. This includes representation before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for all matters required for approval of infrastructure construction plans, any permitting required in support of infrastructure improvements and bond issue applications. TRE maintains the responsibility to support the PDEMUD's Board of Directors and the taxpayers by designing major water, wastewater and drainage improvements required to extend services to proposed development; support the system operating company in resolution of infrastructure repairs or rehabilitation; review of construction plans prepared by others for proposed development; and provide updates to the Board at monthly meetings regarding engineering activities and project progress.

During the course of the construction of projects within PDEMUD's, TRE will provide routine review of construction progress and conduct a walk-through of the completed construction to complete a list of any work not considered acceptable. TRE also oversees the testing of water and wastewater lines to confirm they meet the requirements of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.