Generated on March 28, 2025 @ 09:43:21 AM by Guest on TRE Website


Year: 2007

Client: Horizon Regional Municipal Utility District (HRMUD)

Location: El Paso County, Texas

Contribution: Civil Engineering Design, Permitting, and Construction Administration

This project involved the design and construction of a 1.2 MG steel welded ground storage tank in conjunction with the construction of a 9.0 MGD booster pump station and associated building, piping, valves and appurtenances to feed well water into the HRMUD Reverse Osmosis Plant. Principals of TRE prepared the design and specification and modeled the water system to ensure adequate storage and proper line sizing for associated connections. TRE staff represented the owner in providing construction services which included cost estimates, construction administration and management. TRE worked with HOT Inspection Services for specific AWS welding inspection and NACE Coating inspection for the tank construction.