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Drainage & Roadway Construction

Year: 2013

Client: Hunt Communities, GP, LLC

Location: El Paso County, Texas

Contribution: Civil Engineering Design, Permitting, and Construction Administration

TRE & Associates, LLC staff was retained by the developer, Hunt Communities GP, LLC, to plat and design a 2,000 foot section of Paseo del Este Boulevard, a 6-lane divided major arterial roadway, with supporting drainage facilities.

The design included establishing the alignment and profile of the roadway and included existing utility relocations, signage, illumination and striping plans. The road section included a bridge class culvert crossing (4, 10'X10' cast in place box culverts) of a major drainageway which was supported by hydraulic and hydrologic modeling of the watershed using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS. TRE represented the owner in providing construction support services which included cost estimating, construction specification and bid package preparation, and the administration of bidding and construction management.